We are successfully assisting our clients with the request for proposals [RFP’s] as part of planned tender processes. This is particularly prevalent with security upgrades to enhance crime prevention and detection. To this end it is important to secure subject matter experts to assist you with the process.
Too often key aspects may be missed. The process must be undertaken systematically. Ensure that whatever your improvement is the characterisation of the asset is well defined for intended suppliers.
This is followed by sound threat analysis. Unless this is done well the money you spend may be off the mark and not justify your return on investment.
A detailed process to determine the vulnerabilities of the asset should complement the overall request for proposal. That is where vulnerability is expressed as controls.
Further, what is the target attractiveness and what additional measures need to feature in the [RFP] This said and done, the prescripts of good project management and control should follow. Add to this the elements of lean six sigma and you now have a balanced and well – focused request.
Photo: sitthiphong